Pupil premium (PP) strategy statement
School overview
Detail | Data |
School name | Aston Manor Academy |
Number of pupils in school | 1,011 |
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils | 560 pupils (55%) KS3/KS4 |
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended – you must still publish an updated statement each academic year) | 2022/23 to 2025/26 |
Date this statement was published | Dec 2023 |
Date on which it will be reviewed | Sept 2023/24/25 |
Statement authorised by | J Sweeney Headteacher |
Pupil premium lead | S Lander Deputy Headteacher |
Governor / Trustee lead | Nicola Watts |
6 September 2024 25 October 2024 4 November 2024 20 December 2024SPRING 2025
6 January 2025 14 February 2025 24 February 2025 11 April 2025SUMMER 2025
28 April 2025 23 May 2025 2 June 2025 21 July 2025INSET Day
2 September 2024 4 September 2024INSET Day
25 October 2024INSET Day
Parents Evening dates for the 2025/2026 academic year will be published soon
Wider (non-academic) staffing priorities for current academic year
Measure | Activity | Cost |
Priority 1 | Employment of Educational Psychologist to work closely/support the mental health and wellbeing of disadvantaged students. Additional pastoral staff employed to support students in line with managing impact of Covid-19 on students | EP: £50,000 YW: £50,000 |
Priority 2 | Employment of an attendance officer and family support worker to increase attendance and provide family support for disadvantaged students | FSW/AT: £45,000 |
Barriers to learning these priorities address | Low levels of family engagement/support influencing persistent absence | |
Projected spending | £145,000 |
Targeted academic support for current academic year
Measure | Activity | Cost |
Priority 1 | Literacy/English and numeracy/maths interventions for low attaining disadvantaged students (Lexia/ sound training/ Lucid/ reading/ writing support/ Accelerated Reader) | £30,000 |
Priority 2 | Staff resources dedicated to setting up and distributing laptop and data packages for disadvantaged students to support their learning in and outside of school. | £5,000 |
Barriers to learning these priorities address | Improved parental engagement and increased home learning, IT infrastructure when using a blended learning approach | |
Projected spending | £35,000 |
Wider strategies for current academic year
Area | Challenge | Mitigating action | Cost |
Teaching | Ensuring enough classroom space is given for English and maths, and smaller teaching groups | Working closely with local establishments to provide additional rooms (Mount Zion, The Lighthouse) | Screens for additional classrooms (£3,000) Mount Zion (£6,000) |
Targeted support | Ensuring enough time is given for staff CPD | The use of DDT time on a Thursday afternoon (shorter school day to accommodate this) to provide the academic and pastoral training for all staff | |
Wider strategies | Engaging the families facing extreme challenges | Working closely with outside agencies/stakeholders to provide outreach for these families (including placements/ managed moves to re-engage disadvantaged/ underachieving students) | COBs: £5,000 Placements: £30,000 |
Additional resources and support | Providing students with additional learning resources | Revision guides Revision resources/ incentives Bespoke motivational/ intensive revision sessions and trips | £5,000 £10,000 £40,000 |
Total: 494,000 |
Review: last year’s aims and outcomes
Aim | Outcome |
Achieve national average for progress made by disadvantaged students | No national data available for progress |
Achieve national average for attainment for disadvantaged students | Achieved National average: 40.3 AMA: 45.9 |
Achieve national average in English and maths 5+ scores | Achieved National average: 31.7 AMA: 33.0 |
What worked well?
Smaller group teaching, additional after school classes, and classes on weekends and in the holidays.
Adaptability and flexibility of staff to help with workload, and planning for changing the curriculum according to the needs of students.
Use of external agencies to support with non-academic issues.