Aston Manor Academy ensures that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs are offered Quality First teaching to enable them to make the best possible progress in a mainstream setting so that they are prepared for adulthood.
Aston Manor Academy ensures that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, are offered Quality First teaching to enable them to make the best possible progress in a mainstream setting, all so they are completely prepared for adulthood. The SEND Inclusion team works symbiotically with highly-skilled pastoral leaders with a highly-effective, embedded and robust pastoral system that offers extensive, personalised pastoral support to all students, including SEND students – whatever their needs.
We work within the framework of the Single Equality Act 2010 and the 2014 Code of Practice, where SEND students are supported with differentiated tasks and personalised reasonable adjustments when their needs are different from, or additional, to those of their peers.
Our approach to supporting SEND students is to promote students working at becoming independent and resilient learners in a whole school setting. To facilitate this approach, we have a dedicated inclusion area and highly-skilled staff, who support our SEND students in and out of class. In addition to the inclusion area, there is a smaller nurture class in each year group which has an extra adult in attendance.
The SEND department offers a systematic programme of interventions that run throughout the year as part of a graduated response. Such programmes are carefully planned and highly effective in raising our pupils’ attainment and developing their social, emotional and mental health needs.
The SEND Inclusion team consists of the following staff who strive to support students at AMA with their learning, in the classroom and during social times:
Bhupinder Oubhie – SENDCo
Ms Kent – SENDCo Assistant
Mrs Mulhearn – HLTA
Mrs Maguire – HLTA
Ms O’Connor – Teaching Assistant and support in the Inclusion room
Ms Bi – EAL Co-ordinator
Mr Ali – Teaching Assistant of English
Mr Hempenstall – Teaching Assistant of Maths
Ms Begum – Teaching Assistant of Science
For further information regarding the SEND provision at Aston Manor Academy please see the SEND Information Report

Useful external resources
As part of the Birmingham schools community, Aston Manor Academy works closely with Birmingham City Council. The Birmingham Local Offer provides information for families and young people with SEND so that they can access support and advice all in one place. Some families may not know about the local offer and have not accessed the website – we want to promote the site and help families to help themselves. Links to the video and key documents are below:
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) contact:
Bhupinder Oubhie
Designated inclusion area
We have a designated area for pupils, a place where pupils can seek support and advice, relax and focus. Pupils go to D4a, our inclusion room, because:
“D4a is a place where I can be myself without any worry or stress”
“It is a safe place for me”
“I come here for all the different activities”
“I come for the clubs and to finish off unfinished work”
“I can talk to my friends”
“I learn new things”
“I find and bond with new friends”
“It is a place to go to get support and advice”

Student wellbeing
& staying safe
We want all pupils to feel safe and happy and have a member of staff that they can talk to if they have any concerns or worries.
We will ensure that children have the knowledge to know how to stay safe, including online.
As well as having a form tutor, there are other staff that pupils may wish to talk to including pastoral staff, safeguarding leads, youth worker, mental health lead and a student counsellor.
The student planner and diary provides helpful advice and information too.
If a pupil or young person does not wish to talk to a member of staff about a concern, they can leave a message on the SHARP report page. This allows anyone to report an incident anonymously and without fear.