Safeguarding & Wellbeing
Pupil Zone
We want all pupils to feel safe and happy and have a member of staff that they can talk to if they have any concerns or worries.
We will ensure that children have the knowledge to know how to stay safe, including online.
As well as having a form tutor, there are many other staff that pupils may wish to talk to, including pastoral staff, safeguarding leads, youth worker, mental health lead and a student counsellor.
The student planner / diary provides helpful advice and information too.
If a pupil or young person does not wish to talk to a member of staff about a concern, they can leave a message on the SHARP System report page (accessed via our website LINK), where they can report any incidents anonymously and without fear.
A problem shared is a problem halved – pupils we spoke to about receiving support said:
“Good to have a few different people in school to talk to if you need help. There is always someone available.“
“People in school listen and try to understand.”
“There are places where you can have time out to calm down out of the classroom.”
“Teachers want you to be happy so that you can learn.”
“The support in school is great!”
“There are many places to go for support.“
Safeguarding Team
Mrs P Jones Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mr D Amirgowhar Assistant Headteacher (Key Stage 4 and Personal Development) Deputy DSL
Mr N Turner Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum)Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Forbes Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral)/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs H KAUR Head of Sixth Form/Mental Health Lead
Mrs J Sweeney Headteacher/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Hussain Assistant Headteacher and SLT Careers Link
Mr D Preston Assistant Headteacher Sixth Form and Raising Standards Leader/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Duah Youth Worker/Mentor
External resources for pupils

Student wellbeing
& staying safe
We want all pupils to feel safe and happy and have a member of staff that they can talk to if they have any concerns or worries.
We will ensure that children have the knowledge to know how to stay safe, including online.
As well as having a form tutor, there are other staff that pupils may wish to talk to including pastoral staff, safeguarding leads, youth worker, mental health lead and a student counsellor.
The student planner and diary provides helpful advice and information too.
If a pupil or young person does not wish to talk to a member of staff about a concern, they can leave a message on the SHARP report page. This allows anyone to report an incident anonymously and without fear.