Our School
Welcome to Aston Manor Academy – a successful 11-18 mixed Academy in the heart of Birmingham
Welcome to Aston Manor Academy and sixth form.

A successful 11-18 mixed Academy in the heart of Birmingham, serving the inner city communities of Aston, Handsworth and Nechells.
Having been part of Aston Manor Academy for the last 20 years, I have seen exam results in the Academy, both at GCSE and Sixth Form, improve dramatically over the years. Progress made by students is well above the national average and continues to improve year on year; an outstanding achievement made possible by the students and staff working exceptionally hard. As an Academy, we are committed to ensuring that every child succeeds.
As always, sport excels at Aston Manor. We have students competing at national level and our Sixth form sporting success has led to a number of students gaining scholarships overseas. We have developed a strong partnership with Aston Villa Football Club, and Aston Basketball is fast becoming a centre of excellence.
Students are able to compete whilst completing level 3 programmes of study. Our extra-curricular programme is extensive and our Saturday Club provides numerous sporting activities for all ages, including basketball, football and boxing. Our music programmes also offer a wide range of opportunities for students to channel their creativity.
Results for both vocational and academic courses at our Sixth Form are outstanding and our progress score places us as the highest performing Sixth form in Birmingham. 100% of our Year 13 students were successful in obtaining university places or apprenticeships last year. Aston Manor is a remarkable Academy with fantastic students, staff and parents. I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of this unique learning community, where positive and supportive relationships are the driving force behind our academic and creative success. We always welcome visitors to the Academy and encourage you to come along to see the work that we do for yourself.

Senior Leadership Team
Mrs P Jones Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mr D Amirgowhar Assistant Headteacher (Key Stage 4 and Personal Development) Deputy DSL
Mr N Turner Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum)Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Forbes Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral)/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Sweeney Headteacher/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Hussain Assistant Headteacher and SLT Careers Link
Mr D Preston Assistant Headteacher Sixth Form and Raising Standards Leader/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Z Jones Assistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning)

Aston Manor’s system of Positive Discipline for Learning was introduced in September 1995 and is reviewed year on year, it is the cornerstone of our behaviour and learning policy.
Over time this has been developed to become our Expectations for learning, ensuring that the behaviour and learning of our students remains outstanding, as the two are inextricable linked to the progress that students make. The system ensures that there is daily communication with parents through the school planner and that we work closely with parents, families and our local community to support students. We promote learning skills as part of our expectations for learning and students are rewarded for displaying positive learning behaviours.
Aston Manor Academy Expectations for learning are designed to encourage pupils to contribute to class activities and become more engaged in the process of learning meaning that students are active learners in the classroom and a disciplined atmosphere in the classroom is maintained.
Positive relationships between students and staff are underpinned by our expectations for learning, allowing for meaningful discussions and restorative practice to take place. Students are confident in the system and low level disruption is lessons is rare, allowing for quality teaching and learning to take place in a supportive atmosphere. The support we receive from parents is fundamental to supporting their child’s learning as lesson by lesson feedback is provided on a daily basis.
We develop our policy on a regular basis taking into consideration the feedback from all stakeholders.
We continue to strive for our students to be the very best that they can be and exhibit high quality learning behaviours. We provide the platform for students to work independently, be successful in their future studies and be prepared for future employment.

Our system for Positive Discipline for Learning is based on our steps to success which are intended to be fairly and consistently applied in a supportive manner in all classrooms. Staff will need to assess pupils’ ATTITUDE (involving behaviour, work and co-operation) in each lesson. Children who do well will receive a commendation stamp which needs to be valued by pupils, parents and teachers as evidence of achievement. We intend, therefore that the pupil’s planner becomes an effective, detailed, daily communication with each parent of each child.
Arrive on time with the required equipment and in full uniform. Listen carefully and follow instructions. -
Show positive attitude. Be creative, independent and reflective. Work with others positively. Be prepared to take on challenges. -
Value all learning. Contribute to school life and help others.
Always do your best. -
Respect yourself. Show respect to others and respect your surroundings.
Teaching staff need to identify pupil targets at the beginning of each lesson and remind pupils of these as appropriate, so that expectations are met and commendation stamps achieved.