Careers Programme

Our careers programme sets out our careers vision for the academic year, a programme which is designed to support, inspire and motivate our students across all year groups.

Our careers programme sets out our careers vision for the academic year, a programme which is designed to support, inspire and motivate our students across all year groups. Our provision is mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks, and we work with the CEC framework to ensure our provision is robust and the impact of our careers programme is regularly evaluated so that we can improve the quality of our provision as we move forward.

All students, parents and teachers have direct access to the National Careers Service where they can research opportunities and ideas.

Every student in every year group will have the opportunity to have at least one meaningful encounter every year with:

A Further Education provider

An apprenticeship provider

A Higher Education institution

An employer and employees

Students will have various opportunities in lessons, assemblies and tutor sessions to engage in work-related learning including improving their employability skills, accessing labour market information, producing a CV, refining interview techniques and exploring relevant and pragmatic career pathways.


Our newest pupils receive careers based lessons delivered through our RSHE programme.  From Sept 2024 pupils will be able to log in to our new Unifrog platform to explore, research and to record their achievements which build their personal skills profile. Here they will build self awareness, researching skills, ideas to spark interests and pathways to future career goals.

Our inspirational careers lessons, assemblies and trips to employers, universities etc explore ideas for the future, enrich understanding and develop new skills and interests in our pupils

To support and enrich our pupils learning journey through activities which:

Raise aspirations and increase awareness of the world and opportunities in the world of work

Support them to make informed choices about their own careers journey and also to overcome any barriers which may affect them reaching their full potential.


Throughout year 8 pupils continue to build their individual personal profile through continual interactions including RSHE lessons, visits to employers and workshops to build their knowledge and understanding of career management and the world of work.

At this stage pupils, along with their parents/guardians chose their GCSE options.  Students are informed about subject areas and their links to future careers through assemblies, option evening, form time and curriculum time so there is full understanding of the link between their chosen GCSE subjects and future careers paths, as well as entry requirements for future courses of study  and employment.  Pupils are encouraged to research a variety of career and labour market information using vast ray of resources and opportunities.

All pupils in year 9 are informed about career management, decision making strategies, labour market information and post 16 expectations. Pupils who require further support take part in guidance interview with our Careers Advisor.


Pupils at this crucial stage are working hard towards GCSE exams, revision classes and assessments.  We offer opportunities to engage with employers and higher education institutions.  Pupils have access to a one to one guidance meeting with the careers advisor to support them in decision making.

All year 10 pupils take part in a two-week work experience placement. Students are encouraged to find their own placement which links to their career ideas for the future.  They receive support and guidance in the planning stages of their work experience.  Once in the work environment they are visited by a member of school staff and keep a written record of their placement and the experience they have had, including the new skills they have developed.

In preparation for Mock Interview Day and work experience, pupils receive support via weekly briefings relating to their future careers, CV writing workshops, interview techniques and confidence building, 1:1 guidance, and assemblies.


At this point in our pupils educational lives we support them to meet their career goals. 

A structured programme of career management includes a variety of workshops, assemblies, visits and employer interactions which are designed to build experience, knowledge, self-confidence and aspiration to ensure our pupils achieve their full potential as they move forward.

We fully support pupils with UCAS applications and with their choices of further education courses, university, and degree apprenticeships applications.


We help students compare every university course, every apprenticeship, and Further Education courses – 

To sign in and start exploring go to


Our careers programme is based on evidence from the Gatsby Foundation. The Gatsby Benchmarks originated in a research report (Good Career Guidance) from the Gatsby Foundation in 2013, and the research provides a comprehensive study of career development exploring key elements of good career education. The eight benchmarks are outlined below:


This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Any Employer or provider who wishes to work with Aston Manor Academy can contact the Careers Team. Tel 0121 359 8108

Stacey Lander – SLT Careers Lead. Email- 

Lyn Ajibade – KS3 Careers and Work Experience Co-ordinator. Email

Eileen Hughes – KS4/5 Careers Co-ordinator. Email

Careers Team

  • Mrs S Hussain Assistant Headteacher and SLT Careers Link
  • Lyn Ajibade Careers Co-ordinator KS3
  • Eileen Hughes Careers Advisor and Co-ordinator KS4/5

Apprenticeships are available to any pupil aged 16 and over. They combine work and learning. At Aston Manor the careers dept provide support, information and guidance for pupils who wish to follow the apprenticeship path at all levels. Depending on the apprenticeship and the Employer pupils may undertake a block of learning at the beginning of their Apprenticeship or may attend college one day per week. AMA students can begin an Apprenticeship at the end of Year 11 or at the end of Year 13.

When applying for an apprenticeship our pupils will need information, guidance and support to help them make important decisions concerning their application and interview process.

Students at AMA can discuss apprenticeships with the school Careers Advisor to establish a pathway and successful application.

An apprenticeship provides pupils with training in their chosen sector and an understanding of the workplace and the chance to develop work related skills and knowledge.  Apprenticeships usually last between one and five years depending on their level. The levels available are:

Intermediate (Level 2)

Advanced (Level 3)

Higher and degree (Levels 4-7)

For more information, advice and guidance about apprenticeships please follow the links below, or book a meeting to speak to Mrs Hughes (}

We also work with a number of providers including ASK apprenticeships and have information assemblies, speakers and workshops to help you to apply and to get pupils interview ready. – Information about apprenticeships, what you can study, how to apply, who offers apprenticeships and more. – Information about apprenticeships. – Government website with information and vacancy search

Apprenticeships: Hints and Tips for Parents and Carers


We aim to remove any barriers that can exist for SEND pupils and aim to provide an inclusive careers programme that meets the needs of all our pupils. This includes engagement with employers, visits to colleges and universities, experience of the workplace and personal guidance and advice to enhance post 16 pathways. We aim to build confidence, increase knowledge and self belief so that pupils can reach their individual goals.

We organise visits to colleges/training providers and as well as promoting apprenticeships in assemblies.  For pupils with SEND additional visits are organised by the KS4 co-coordinator to assist with the the transition to their new setting. Staff may also visit with pupils and their parents to ensure appropriate provision can be put in place.

AMA offer different programmes to aid transition for more vulnerable pupils, which may include:

Liaising closely with staff from the new setting, ensuring all relevant paperwork is passed on and all needs are discussed and understood

Additional meetings with staff and external agencies

Additional transition visits

Additional meetings with parents and the pupil

If you require help or further information please contact school and ask to speak to a member of the careers team.




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