

Aston Manor Academy’s vision is reflected in our curriculum, where we strive for students to be ‘All Different, All Equal, All Achieving.

For more information about our curriculum contact:

Mr N Turner, Deputy Headteacher

Ms R Mulhearn, Assistant Headteacher

Our curriculum provides students with a broad and balanced education, one which equips them with the attitude to become successful citizens within modern British society, along with the knowledge and skills necessary for their progression through education. Running through our curriculum are the values we feel are crucial for young people to develop a sense of pride and belief in themselves and at the end of their journey with us, students leave with a high regard for themselves and for the positive contribution their education has empowered them to make to their wider community. Students can follow multiple pathways as they move through the school, ensuring the suite of subjects they are studying perfectly fits them and their future careers.

The curriculum at Aston Manor Academy has been designed with careful consideration of who our students are and the local community we serve. We offer a strong core of academic subjects and many of our students choose to follow an EBacc pathway. However, we recognise fully that this is not an appropriate route for all students and we, therefore, offer a range of vocational and BTEC options to ensure  we are including, engaging and developing all students from our diverse intake and enabling them to progress onto their desired post-16 pathways, either at Aston Manor Academy or further afield.


Key stage 3 curriculum


All students study the following subjects on a fortnightly basis:

9 lessons of English
8 lessons of Maths
6 lessons of Science
4 lessons of Physical Education (PE)
3 lessons of History
3 lessons of Religious Education (RE)
3 lessons of Geography
3 lessons of Design and Technology
4 lessons of French
2 lessons of Art
2 lessons of Information Technology (IT)
2 lessons of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
2 lessons of Music

Each subject uses the national curriculum as a basis for determining what is covered at Key Stage 3, adapting the breadth and depth of content to suit our learners. Opportunities to make knowledge links between subjects have been woven into schemes of work across the curriculum so that learning is systematically contextualised and revisited, while ensuring all aspects of the statutory national curriculum are taught in Key Stage 3.

Key stage 4 curriculum


We believe that our students must aspire to achieve the best they can and can, therefore, access a curriculum that not only inspires them, but is also appropriate for everyone to become a successful citizen.

At Aston Manor Academy, we truly recognise that all students are different, all students are equal and that every student in our care will achieve because of the careful thought and planning that has gone into designing our curriculum.

For more information about our curriculum, please contact either:

Mr Turner, Deputy Headteacher,
Ms Mulhearn, Assistant Headteacher

For more information on our Key Stage 4 subjects, please see our options booklet.

year 8 optionS

Options time is an important point in your education, as it is here that you choose some of the subjects that you will study for the next three years. We know that it can be a difficult time and can cause anxiety because there are a lot of questions that you might have: Which subject is right for me? What if I don’t know what I want to do? Rest assured that we will help you to make choices about future learning that are right for you. Our Year 8 Options Evening will help pupils, parents and carers decide on which subjects best support future career aspirations but also identifying those subjects which pupils enjoy and feel positive about.

Homework Expectations

Here at Aston Manor, homework is frequently set for our students to complete. The Homework Overview in link below clearly identifies the homework timetable for each department at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. Along with the expected frequency of homework to be issued and completed.




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