We are in a consultation period to expand our sixth form from 17th October until 14th November. Any comments or responses can be made by emailing enquiry@astonmanoracademy.com.
Live Parent Webinar: How You Can Help Your Child Set Up for Success in Exams
Tuesday 15th October 6:00-7:00pm (BST)
One of the most frequent questions we receive from parents is what they can do to help get their child prepared for exams, which is why I wanted to remind you that our next webinar on exam skills and preparation will be taking place next week.
Elevate Education delivers high-impact workshops to our students that help to develop their study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. Over the next term, you’re invited to join their parent webinar series, where you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school!
Register today at:
Aston Manor Academy is incredibly excited to have been awarded Bronze status as part of UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Award. This is the first stage of our journey in working towards Gold over the coming academic years. Taking part in this award ensures that our core ethos of all different, all equal, all achieving links closely with the Rights Respecting award and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This award provides further support in ensuring our students’ confidence in talking about their rights and living them day to day is strengthened further. In order to achieve Bronze status we have strengthened our student leadership team, delivered form time sessions on the award, supported staff with initial training on the RRA, and liaised with governors, the senior leadership team and parents. Please see below for information on the award from UNICEF.
The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. Our Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.
Aston Manor Academy is incredibly excited to have been awarded Bronze status as part of UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Award. This is the first stage of our journey in working towards Gold over the coming academic years. Taking part in this award ensures that our core ethos of all different, all equal, all achieving links closely with the Rights Respecting award and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This award provides further support in ensuring our students’ confidence in talking about their rights and living them day to day is strengthened further. In order to achieve Bronze status we have strengthened our student leadership team, delivered form time sessions on the award, supported staff with initial training on the RRA, and liaised with governors, the senior leadership team and parents. Please see below for information on the award from UNICEF.
Birmingham City Council have announced an extension to the household support fund until September 2024, which gives grants to families in need.
Families can only receive this once from April 2023-September 2024, and applications are now live, more information and applying for this can be found at: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50274/cost_of_living_support/2497/household_support_fund_2023_to_2024
The application and eligibility check can be accessed at: https://hsfbirmingham.online/enquiry/
“Throughout this academic year we have partnered with Elevate to support our Year 11 students with additional study and revision skills. These skills focus not only on revision, but also how to revise with maximum impact. These additional revision skills build on the excellent work being undertaken in lessons. We are excited to promote this webinar by Elevate that gives parents an opportunity to ask questions about:
- Supporting their child’s questions about exams
- How to further support their revision
- What to expect over the coming months”
Ask me Anything (Live Q&A)
30th April 6:00pm
How You Can Help Improve Your Child’s Memory
14th May 6:00pm
How You Can Help Your Child Alleviate Stress
18th June 6:00pm
How You Can Get Your Child Motivated
2nd July 6:00pm
Elevate Education’s Summer Term
Parent Webinar Series
Elevate Education delivers high-impact workshops to our students that help to
develop their study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. Over the next term,
you’re invited to join their parent webinar series, where you can help support your
child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.
Register today at: https://go.elevateeducation.com/ukschoolwebinar
We are delighted to announce that we, Aston Manor Academy, have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the 2022/23 academic year.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
Our sporting achievements this year include:
- Year 8 Rounders Nationals Competition Entry
- Year 8 Rounders Team achieved 1st Place in ASSA Tournament
- Year 9 Rounders Team achieved 3rd Place in ASSA Tournament and currently top of the league
- Year 10 Boys Football Team won the NH Sport Cup
- Year 8 Basketball Team Won the Junior NBA / ASSA Tournament & League
- Year 9 Basketball Team Won the League
- Year 8/9 Won the Basketball League and ASSA Tournament
- Year 10 OCR Young Sports Leaders successfully led a wide range of sporting events
- Year 8 Girls Basketball came 3rd in County Finals
- Y8 Girls Athletics Team won the ASSA Indoor Athletics Competition
- Y7 Girls Athletics Team won the ASSA Indoor Athletics Competition
- Y8/9 Girls Athletics Team came 2nd in Aston & Hamstead Hall Outdoor Athletics Competition
- Year 8 Girls Netball Team came 2nd in ASSA League & Tournament
With a total of young people competing in local inter-school competitions this year, we are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible.
A special thanks to:
Mrs Pawar, Miss Lawrence, Miss Reed, Mrs Gandy, Mr Costa, Mr Collett, Mr Brown, Mr Connell, Mr Black, Mr Hempenstall, Mr Dhua, Mrs Lander, Mr Preston, Mrs Sweeney and all of the staff who supported our children within school sport this year.
@AstonManorPE #TeamOfTheYear
At Aston Manor Academy, we pride ourselves on our dedication and commitment to improving literacy in all year groups for all students. For years we have done this through not only the design of our curriculum but also exciting, engaging opportunities to celebrate and improve literacy. This year alone, 2022-2023, we have celebrated a number of special days underpinned by literature.
- World Book Day
- International Women’s Day
- Book Fairs
- Poetry and Pose
The Scholastic Book Fair was a particular highlight, with parents spending their hard-earned money on books for their children, collectively spending over £400 in one week!
The National Literacy Trust ran a project with Year 7 students where three local poets came to perform and discuss their poetry – an interactive and engaging session resulting in many student planners filled with autographs!
Year 7 also started the Accelerated Reader programme back in October to support and improve their reading ages. Students are thoroughly enjoying the programme with a buzz surrounding who will make the most improvement and go into the End of Year draw for prizes.
The Great Big Book Swap was another success with staff and students donating their old books and swapping them for another. Over 70 books were rehomed and repurposed, ready for a new reader to get lost in the pages.
Year 10 and Sixth Form students have been exceptional in their weekly form time paired reading sessions with Year 7 and Year 8 students. Such initiatives aim to improve reading fluency. A sense of calm overcomes the school on a Thursday morning as these pairs are seen and celebrated around the school.
There is so much that has already been achieved to ensure that reading and literacy is embedded in the culture of Aston Manor both in and out of the classroom.
The 2023 Aston Manor Sports Awards evening celebrated some incredible achievements and commitment from our students who once again ensured that we remain one of the most successful sports academies in the West Midlands region.
Our guest speaker Phil Brown, ex GB Olympian 200m and 400m athlete spoke addressed students and staff and spoke of his journey and the commitment required to succeed in all areas of sport if you are to compete professionally.
Students were later presented with their wards by Mr Brown.
Mr Preston, head of sixth form together with Mrs Sweeney, headteacher, also spoke of their admiration of students who continually demonstrate resilience and commitment to their studies, whilst also competing and representing the school
Mrs Sweeney said, “It is important to also applaud and say a massive thank you to our staff at Aston Manor for their continued hard work and support. The teaching team work hard to ensure that our sixth form students don’t miss out on valuable teaching whilst competing by providing additional classes both before and after the school day”. All the students echoed the headteachers comments with a huge cheer and a round of applause.
The sports awards evening was held at Aston Villa football club and included a three course meal and an incredible celebratory cake.
First Sports Awards Event at Aston Manor
Aston Manor Academy celebrated their first ever Sports Awards Evening in recognition of the outstanding achievements of students from year 7 to year 13.
The event was hosted at Aston Villa FC in their Executive Suite and alumni Rushian Hepburn-Murphy who currently plays for Swindon Town, kindly presented the awards to the students but also spoke of the hard work, training and commitment that is required to succeed in football, plus, the challenges of remaining motivated and fit during the pandemic.
Head Teacher Mrs Sweeney, addressed staff and students and said “I am thrilled that we have been able to organise this event to acknowledge the incredible achievements of our students. You will all later in life appreciate that participating in Sports activities and working together as a team, is key to both providing a balance to your studies, but it also demonstrates commitment to training and your loyalty and obligation you have to your fellow team players in showing up, irrespective of the weather conditions”.
Mrs Sweeney also recognised the uncompromising commitment of all the staff, who tirelessly give up their time to support students with training and travelling to events.
Aston Manor Coaches Marco Pratt (Ex Jamaican International player) Scott Green (previously played for Bolton Wonderers) and Liam Fitzgerald (Aston Villa Academy Coach), presented photos and video footage of students over the course of the year highlighting the achievements of students participating in football and basketball matches, plus those who represented the school at athletic events.
There were cheers and applause as students remembered with fondness, some of the games and challenges of the season!
Students and staff enjoyed an amazing three course meal, followed by a huge celebratory chocolate cake, to mark the first sports awards event at Aston Manor Academy and Sports Academy.
Congratulations to our Year 13 Offer Holders
Aston Manor Academy and Sixth form, continues to open up a world of opportunities for pupils and our 2023 year 13 cohort, is no exception. This year is no exception.
Below are just a few of our year 13 students who have all received offers from their chosen universities, and the areas of future study, couldn’t be more varied. From English with Linguistics, Pharmacy, Sports and Exercise Science to Electrical Engineering.
Below are just a few of our year 13 students who have all received offers from their chosen universities, and the areas of future study, couldn’t be more varied. From English with Linguistics, Pharmacy, Sports and Exercise Science to Electrical Engineering.
Mr Preston, Head of Sixth Form, said ‘our students work hard and are incredibly driven to succeed. Aston Manor provides outstanding teaching and support to ensure every student achieves their personal best.
Mr Preston, Head of Sixth Form, said ‘our students work hard and are incredibly driven to succeed. Aston Manor provides outstanding teaching and support to ensure every student achieves their personal best.
Abdullah Ali Kaiser
Year 13
Abdullah is studying A-level Chemistry, Biology and psychology and has received five conditional offers from leading universities to study Pharmacy.
Tobias Pinell
Year 13
“I transferred to Aston Manor sixth form because I had heard so much about the Sports Academy.
I love football and Sports. Studying here gave me the opportunity to obtain the BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport.
I have applied to study Sports and Exercise Science and I have now received all my offers from the five universities I applied to”
Adnan is studying A-level Maths and Biology, alongside, a BTEC Advanced Diploma in Business.
“I have applied to various large companies to complete a higher apprenticeship in Electrical Engineer and Data Analytics. My applications have been accepted and I am through to the second stage of the process. However, as a back-up, I have also applied via UCAS to study a degree in maths.
The teachers here are very supportive and teaching is of a really high standard. If you want good grades, go to Aston Manor Academy”.
Muskaan Nore
Muskaan has applied to study English Literature with Creative Writing and received offers from all the universities she applied to via UCAS
“My long-term ambition is to become an Author and specialise in children’s stories, embedding and teaching morals and respect”.
AMA (Aston Manor Academy) is my second family. I will be very sad to leave Aston Manor.
Mariya Hassan
Mariya is studying A-level English, French and psychology and has applied to study English Language with Linguistics with the ambition, to pursue a career in Speech and Language Therapy.
In addition to the incredibly supportive environment here at Aston Manor, one of the things which stands out to me and other fellow students, is the friendly environment here at Aston Manor. Everyone is very respectful of different cultures, language and religion.
Zoha Anjum
“I leave Aston Manor in July and I hope to study Sociology and Criminology, with a view to becoming a Probation Officer. I have received all my offers from the Uni’s I applied to, so I just need to wait for my results now!
The thought of leaving Aston Manor is daunting but I am looking forward to going to University and starting a new journey”.